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LIQUOR tokens can be earned by staking Maxes in your wallet
The benefits of staking LIQUOR tokens, such as increased voting power in Maxiverse governance decisions
The potential for long-term rewards through LIQUOR token staking
The various ways LIQUOR tokens can be used within Maxiverse, such as trading for goods and services
The role of LIQUOR tokens in governing decisions within Maxiverse, and how community members can use them to vote on important decisions
The potential for LIQUOR tokens to increase in value as Maxiverse grows and becomes more popular
The potential for unique Maxes to increase in value over time, as they become more rare and sought-after
The ability for users to deploy their own Maxiverses, and customize them in any way they choose, creating a unique digital space for themselves and their community.
Maxes represent your digital identity within Maxiverse, and allow you to participate in the community